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Orange Tabby Cat


The data shows that YOU have the best chance of finding the parents of a lost pet! We try hard to keep our shelter stress-free, but a home is less stressful and a good intermediate location until a pet’s family is found. In the meantime, we will post the pet on our website and social media.

UACS will hold a stray for 72 hours before impoundment, per Uintah County Ordinance 6.21.045.


When you find a lost pet, you have a couple of choices and decisions to make. We suggest you check out the following information and do what you feel is right for your situation:

  • Put a photo of the found pet on Petco Love Lost, a facial recognition program by Petco that helps reunite lost pets with their families.

  • Take it to social media. There are lots of groups about lost pets in the area.

  • Check with your neighbors and your neighborhood! Most found dogs are within 2 miles of their home. 

  • Take the pet to the closest veterinarian or shelter to be microchip scanned. 

  • Put up flyers in your neighborhood to let the person looking know that you found their lost pet.

  • Call the Uintah Animal Control & Shelter and other neighboring animal control agencies and report that you found a lost pet. Give a thorough description and someone will contact you if they receive a call reporting a lost pet with the same description. To help, you can keep the pet until the owner is found. This keeps them out of the shelter and allows us to help other pets who do not have another option.  

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